A lo largo de los años de experiencia en el sector hemos actuado en multitud de siniestros, entre los que se destacan:
Access to this website is conditioned to the previous reading and acceptance by any user of the following information and conditions:
Use Conditions.
Prior General Information of the Broker.
Holder of the Web Site
Marimon-Buendia y Carranza Correduría de Seguros, S.L. (hereinafter, "The Broker"), with NIF B66633413 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, in Volume 45077, Folio 41, Page B-476215, Inscription 1ª, is the owner of the website www.marimonbuendiacarranza.com.
The company has its registered office at C/ Progrés, nº 9, Bajos 08912 Badalona (Barcelona), contact telephone +34 933 88 34 00, Whatsapp +34 654 605 445 and email info@marimonbuendia.com.
1. Intellectual Property
All trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on this website are the property of The Broker or, where appropriate, of third parties who have authorized their use, without it being understood that the use or access to the portal and / or content gives the user any right over such trade names and / or distinctive signs, and cannot be understood as assigned to the user, none of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist on such content.
Similarly, the contents are intellectual property of The Broker, or third parties where appropriate, therefore, intellectual property rights are owned by The Broker or third parties who have authorized their use, who have the exclusive rights to exploit them in any form and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.
The unauthorized use of the information contained in this website, as well as any breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of The Broker or third parties included in the page that have transferred content will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.
2. Hyperlinks and web contents
Those persons who intend to establish hyperlinks between their web page and the web page of The Broker must observe and comply with the following conditions:
Prior authorization will not be necessary when the hyperlink only allows access to the home page, but may not reproduce it in any form. Any other form of hyperlink shall require the express and unequivocal written authorization of The Broker.
No frames shall be created with the web pages or on the web pages of The Broker.
No false, inaccurate or offensive statements or indications shall be made about The Broker, its directors, employees or collaborators, or the persons related to the page for any reason, or the users of the page, or the contents provided.
It shall not be stated or implied that The Broker has authorized the hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the contents offered or made available on the web page where the hyperlink is established.
The web page on which the hyperlink is established may only contain what is strictly necessary to identify the destination of the hyperlink.
The web page on which the hyperlink is established shall not contain information or content that is illicit, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, nor shall it contain content contrary to any third party rights.
In relation to the web pages of third parties that can be accessed through links inserted in this web, The Broker does not assume any responsibility for the information contained in them. The purpose of such links is merely informative. If The Broker were to become aware of the existence of any information or behavior that is illicit or injurious to property or rights on the aforementioned websites, it will remove the affected links as soon as possible.
3. Technical Aspects
The Broker does not guarantee the inexistence of interruptions or errors in the access to the page, to its contents, nor that these are updated. Consequently, The Broker is not responsible for damages of any kind caused to the user as a result of failures or disconnections in the telecommunication networks that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the service of the portal. The Broker also does not guarantee the absence of viruses and other elements that may damage the computer systems of customers and users.
The Broker excludes any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability, continuity or quality of the operation of the page and the contents, as well as those arising from the existence of viruses and other elements that may damage the computer systems of customers and users.
4. Minors
The access to this web page, as well as the subscription of any of the services offered in it, is directed to adults with sufficient legal capacity. Minors who wish to subscribe to the services included in it must obtain prior permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be responsible for all acts performed by minors in their care.
5. Applicable law and jurisdiction
This website and all its content is governed by Spanish law and is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Badalona (Barcelona).
Marimon-Buendia y Carranza Correduría de Seguros, S.L. (hereinafter, "The Broker"), with NIF B66633413 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, in Volume 45077, Folio 41, Page B-476215, Inscription 1ª, is the owner of the website www.marimonbuendiacarranza.com.
The company has its address at C/ Progrés, nº 9, Bajos 08912 Badalona (Barcelona), contact telephone +34 933 88 34 00, Whatsapp +34 654 605 445 and email info@marimonbuendia.com.
In accordance to Article 173 of Royal Decree-Law 3/2020, of February 4, on urgent measures that transpose into Spanish law various European Union directives in the areas of public procurement in certain sectors; private insurance; pension plans and funds; taxation and tax litigation (hereinafter "Royal Decree-Law 3/2020, of February 4"), we provide you with the following information:
1. Activity
The activity of insurance brokerage consists of offering independent advice based on an objective and personalized analysis to those who demand risk coverage. We will inform you about the conditions of the contract to be underwritten and we will offer the coverage that, according to our professional criteria, best suits your needs. Likewise, as an intermediary of the insurance contract you subscribe with our intervention, we will provide you with the information you require about any of the clauses of the policy and, in the event of a claim, we will provide you with our assistance and advice before the insurance companies.
2. Guarantees
The Broker has subscribed a civil liability insurance related to the insurance mediation activity with the entity Allianz Seguros y Reaseguros S.A., and accredits its financial capacity by subscribing a surety insurance with the entity Atradius Crédito y Caución, S.A., in both cases in accordance with the provisions of article 157.1 of Royal Decree-Law 3/2020, of February 4.
3. Criteria in the selection of products / Objective analysis
The advice on private insurance that corresponds to the insurance brokerage activity is carried out by means of an objective analysis, based on a prior study of a sufficient number of insurance contracts among those existing in the insurance market, for the risk to be covered, which allows The Broker to formulate an insurance proposal suitable to the client's needs and which responds to all the questions raised in the request.
4. Absence of links with insurance companies
The Broker Firm does not hold a direct or indirect participation in the share capital or in the voting rights of an insurance company and no insurance company or any parent company of such companies holds a direct or indirect participation in the share capital or in the voting rights in our share capital.
5. Acting on behalf of
The Broker Firm does not act in the name and on behalf of the insurance companies, but on behalf of you, our client.
6. Registration
The Broker is registered in the Administrative Registry of Insurance and Reinsurance Distributors under the registration code J3315. This Register is public and can be consulted at the Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, Paseo de la Castellana, 44 CP 28046 Madrid, or by consulting its web page: www.dgsfp.mineco.es.
7. Customer Service
In order to attend and resolve the complaints and claims of its clientele, The Broker has an outsourced Customer Service Department in the person of Mr. José Antonio Muñoz Márquez, who offers the following means of contact: by letter addressed to calle Aragón, nº 208 6º 5ª 08011 Barcelona or by e-mail addressed to info@solventoconsulting.com. This service is obliged to resolve complaints and claims within a maximum period of two months from the date of submission. Once this period has elapsed without a response or if the resolution is not to the client's liking, he/she may reproduce his/her request before the Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, Paseo de la Castellana, nº 44 CP 28046 Madrid, http://www.dgsfp.mineco.es, being essential to prove having previously formulated the complaint or claim, in writing, before the Customer Service Department of The Broker.
8. Insurance companies and mutual insurance companies
ALLIANZ (C0109), ARAG INTERNACIONAL SA (C0044), MUTUA PROPIETARIOS (M0199), REALE (C0613), ZURICH INSURANCE (E0189), AXA (C0723), AXA AURORA VIDA (C0711), AXA ART (E0138), GENERALI (C0072), LLOYD’S (L0017), FIATC (M0134), MAPFRE (C0058), SANITAS (C0320), LA PREVISION MALLORQUINA (C0279), SANTA LUCIA (C0174), SEGURCAIXA ADESLAS (C0124), MUSSAP (M0107), DKV (C0161), OCASO SA (C0133), HELVETIA (C0157), MARKEL (E0163), HDI GERLING (E0081), CREDITO Y CAUCION SAU (C0046), HISCOX SA (E0231), COFACE (E0116), MIC INSURANCE COMPANY SA (L1412), LA FE PREVISORA (C0075), BEAZLEY (E0224), NORTE HISPANA (C0275), CATALANA OCCIDENTE (C468), FIDELIDADE (E0118), MUTUA MADRILEÑA (M0083), MUTUA MADRILEÑA DEL TAXI (ver código y otras Compañías con las que eventualmente tengamos abierta colaboración).
9. Remuneration
We inform you that our remuneration for the insurance mediation activity consists of the payment, by the insurers, of a commission included in the insurance premium. Where, exceptionally, we agree in writing with you, the remuneration may be in the form of a fee paid exclusively or in addition to the commissions received.
When you contract investment products based on insurance, The Broker Firm will not receive commissions from the insurance companies. If applicable, it will agree with you on the payment of fees.
10. Price of insurance
The price of insurance is not guaranteed. When we provide you with a quotation, we will always try to give you the final price, but on occasion it may happen that the insurance company gives us an incomplete price.
11. Authorizations
You authorize us to transfer in your name the communications that you send us, including those of subscription, modification and cancellation of insurance contracts, in these cases the indications provided must be recorded.
You authorize the sending by electronic and traditional means of information about insurance products offered by The Broker that are of interest to you, especially when an insurance contract has been cancelled and coverage of the risk is necessary.
12. Right of cancellation in remote contracting
You have a period of fourteen calendar days to withdraw from the remote contract, without stating reasons and without penalty. The period for exercising the right of withdrawal shall begin to run from the day of the conclusion of the contract or from the day on which the contractual conditions and information are provided to you.
The withdrawal period shall be thirty calendar days in the case of contracts related to life insurance.
The right of withdrawal does NOT apply to the following insurance policies:
Insurance in which the policyholder assumes the investment risk, as well as contracts in which the guaranteed profitability is a function of investments assigned to them.
Those of travel insurance, luggage or similar insurances of a duration of less than one month.
Insurance whose effects terminate before the term of fourteen calendar days, in the case of non-life insurance, and thirty calendar days, in the case of life insurance.
The insurances that give fulfillment to an insurance obligation of the policyholder (for example, the obligatory insurance of vehicles).
Guaranteed pension plans.
You can directly exercise your right of withdrawal with the corresponding insurance company, which is the one who must ultimately accept it. The Broker also offers its collaboration to the policyholder to transfer the cancellation request to the insurance company. The right of withdrawal can be exercised through The Broker by sending an e-mail to info@marimonbuendia.com.
The consumer exercising the right of withdrawal shall only be obliged to pay, as soon as possible, the financial service actually provided by the insurer in accordance with the contract, up to the time of withdrawal.
The amount to be paid by the consumer shall not exceed the proportional amount of the part of the service already provided compared to the total coverage of the contract, nor shall it in any case be of such a magnitude as to amount to a penalty.
The insurance company shall reimburse the policyholder as soon as possible, and within a maximum period of thirty calendar days, any amount it has received from the latter in accordance with the provisions of the distance contract. This period shall commence on the day on which the insurer receives notification of the withdrawal.
13. Processing of personal data
In compliance with the provisions of art. 11 of LO 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of 27 April (RGPD), in relation to the processing of your data we inform you of the following:
13.1. Data Controller
Marimon-Buendia y Carranza Correduría de Seguros, S.L. is responsible for the processing of your data.
13.2. Purpose of the processing
The activity of advising, proposing and carrying out work prior to the conclusion of an insurance contract, assistance in the conclusion of these contracts and in the management and execution of such contracts, including assistance and advice in the event of a claim. You authorize us to transfer on your behalf the communications that you send us, including those of subscription, modification and cancellation of insurance contracts, for which your indications must be stated.
13.4. Legitimation of the processing
The basis of legitimacy of the processing of the insurance mediation activity is the execution of the contract and your consent. By providing us with the data of a third party, you guarantee us the legitimate processing of the data.
The basis legitimizing the processing for the prevention of money laundering is the fulfillment of our legal obligations.
The basis legitimizing the processing for commercial purposes is a legitimate interest in promoting our insurance products.
13.5. Addressees
With regard to the insurance brokerage activity, your data must necessarily be transferred to insurance companies, underwriting agencies and, where necessary for the coverage of the risk, to other insurance brokers.
In compliance with our obligations to prevent money laundering, the data may be communicated to the competent authorities in this area.
When the use of technology or the underwriting of insurance contracts from entities outside the European Economic Area results in an international transfer of data, this will be covered by the General Data Protection Regulation.
13.6. Rights
You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data at any time without affecting the validity of the previous processing carried out. You may also exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data and those of limitation or opposition to the processing. To do so, you should contact the e-mail address info@marimonbuendia.com, attaching a copy of your ID card. If you consider that the processing of personal data does not comply with current regulations, you also have the right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority: Spanish Data Protection Agency, c/ Jorge Juan, 6 CP 28001 Madrid, www.aepd.es.
13.4. Legitimation of the processing
The basis of legitimacy of the processing of the insurance mediation activity is the execution of the contract and your consent. By providing us with the data of a third party, you guarantee us the legitimate processing of the data.
The basis legitimizing the processing for the prevention of money laundering is the fulfillment of our legal obligations.
The basis legitimizing the processing for commercial purposes is a legitimate interest in promoting our insurance products.
13.5. Addressees
With regard to the insurance mediation activity, your data must necessarily be transferred to insurance companies, underwriting agencies and, when necessary for the coverage of the risk, to other insurance brokers.
14. Territorial Scope, Language, Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
The Broker carries out its activity throughout the Spanish territory. Although we have information in different languages, we only guarantee that we can provide you with all the documentation in Spanish. Any litigation or discrepancy in relation to the insurance mediation activity of The Broker, related to a distance contracting, shall be governed by Spanish law and shall be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the client's domicile in Spain.
15. Updating
This documentation is updated periodically in order to adapt it to the changes that may occur in our organization, as well as to the different normative modifications.
Badalona, March 17, 2021.
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